Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Gym-New Trainer

I guess blogging about my weight did help me as I started looking into gyms and trainers in our area. While I found all gyms/personal trainers were very expensive, I found a trainer/gym in our area and I am so excited! We met with the trainer last night to tour the gym and both Tony and I loved it! We had no clue how big it was as we were told it was just a "room with some equipment". It is more than that, about 4 rooms with lots of really nice equipment. When we went in last night, it was fairly full, but still there was lots of machines with no one on them. I would love to try and work out in the am, but I know me and I am not very motivated to give up my sleep to go work out. I have found that either right after work or around 8ish at night is my best time to work out. I do know it keeps me from sleeping, but not too bad. I have signed up for 5 training sessions, one a week for five weeks. Tony thinks I should do 10 but 5 is all I can afford right now. The gym is a 24 hour gym that you come and go as you please with a magnetic key. I am so excited because it is literally 2 minutes away from our house and open all the time. There is no supervision but both Tony and I have worked out in gyms before so this isn't an issue for us. I hope, eventually, Tony will take over my personal training so we don't have to pay a personal trainer but for now, it is a good idea.

I have been walking on the treadmill the past two days, just trying to test out my leg and see what it will handle. It does feel very tight and a tiny bit sore but i have been stretching alot and icing alot and trying to be proactive. I did jog a little yesterday but only for about half a mile. The gym had several low-impact, no impact machines that you could do cardio on so that will be nice to not be pounding my joints into a treadmill or a concrete track. I am hoping that Tony and I will go tonight and get ourselves acquainted with our surroundings. I hope this is a positive step towards us eating better, getting in better shape and health, and maybe helping tony to not snore as much so I can sleep at night.

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